
admin2021-05-10  8

问题     河姆渡遗址博物馆是以河姆渡遗址为依托建立起来的遗址性的专题博物馆。于1993年5月落成开放,由国家主席江泽民题写馆名。该馆分为遗址发掘现场和出土文物陈列馆:两大部分,占地面积26000平方米,主体建筑面积为3163平方米,建筑外观仿河姆渡‘干栏式’建筑。收藏了河姆渡遗址出土的文物3000余件,还有出土的动植物骨骸遗存、木构件以及陶片标本数万件,其中的人工栽培稻谷、骨耜和带榫卯的木构件等文物,堪称新石器时代文化的精品。其陈列分为基本陈列和标本陈列两部分,基本陈列分为3个大厅,利用声、光、电等现代科学技术,形象地再现了7000年前河姆渡人的生产、生活场景。河姆渡遗址博物馆已成为海内外的一处旅游热点。


答案 The Museum at the Hemudu Site is a theme museum for this site. It was completed and opened to the public in May 1993, with the museum name inscribed by President Jiang Zemin. It has an area of 26, 000 square meters and, consists of two sections: the excavated site and the exhibits of unearthed cultural relics. The major buildings cover a floor space of 3163 square meters and are built in the same architectural style of pile dwellings that the primitive men built here. Dwellings of this style were built on stilts with the floor above the ground. In the museum are housed over 3000 cultural relics unearthed at the site, as well as the remains of animals and plants and thousands upon thousands of wooden construction parts and broken pieces of pottery. Included are the cultivated rice samples, early farm tools shaped like spades, and wooden construction parts of mortice and tenon joints, which are among the most precious and rare New Stone Age cultural relics ever discovered. The exhibition zone is divided into two parts: in one exhibition zone the exhibits are on permanent display and in the other the cultural relics on display are changed from time to time. The first exhibition zone is further sub-divided into three halls. Scenes of life and work of the primitive Hemudu man who inhibited this area 7000 years ago are recreated by modern audio and video technology. The Hemudu Site Museum now attracts more and more tourists from both China and abroad.

解析 背景介绍
-  以河姆渡遗址为依托建立起来的遗址性的专题博物馆:  “专题博物馆”译为“a theme museum”。  “以河姆渡遗址为依托”如果逐字逐句翻译成based on the Hemudu Site,行文显得哕唆拖沓,建议简化为“for this site”。
-  遗址发掘现场和出土文物陈列馆:译为“the excavated site and the exhibits of unearthed cultural relics”,充分利用英语词形变换的灵活性,如“excavated”,“unearthed”,使译文显得紧凑。
-  建筑面积:译为“floor space”。
-  仿河姆渡‘干栏式’建筑:  ‘干栏式’建筑是河姆渡原始人建造的一种居屋(dwellings)。此种房屋由打在地上的许多柱子支撑,悬空于泥地,地板铺在柱子上。这种房子既能防潮,又能防野兽。英语称之为“pile dwelling”。为了使读者明白这种不太多见的居屋,可以对“pile dwellings”做一番解释:  “Dwellings of this style were built on stilts with the floor above the ground.”。
-  耜:古代一种类似于锹的农具。这在英语中找不到对应的词,只能采用解释性翻译方法,故译为“early farm tools shaped like spades”。
-  其陈列分为基本陈列和标本陈列两部分:翻译的前提是正确的理解,然后才能输出。这里的“基本陈列”指“展品不变的陈列馆”,而“标本陈列”指“根据需要更换展品或举办巡回展览的展馆”。故译为:  “The exhibition zone is divided into two parts:in one exhibition zone the exhibits are on permanent display and in the other the cultural relics on display are changed from time to time.”。
