
admin2020-09-02  36

问题 北京既是一座有着厚重历史的城市,又是一座包容性很强的城市。千百年来,丰富的文化在这里交融整合、相映生辉,凝聚成别具韵味的京味文化。据考古发现:距今七十万年前,北京猿人曾生活在周口店地区的天然洞穴中,点燃了北京文明的第一缕生辉。当人类历史发展到距今1万年前时,北京地区开始出现原始居民点,后来,又伴随着社会生产力和文明的不断进步与发展,到了距今5000年前,人口密集的部落出现在这块土地上。


答案Beijing is not only a city with massive history, but also a very inclusive city. For thousands of years, rich and various cultures blend and integrate here, forming a glorious culture with unique charm of Beijing style. According to archaeological discoveries, dating back some 700,000 years ago, the Beijing Man, who has been found living in natural caves in Zhoukoudian area, kindled the first flame of Beijing civilization. The original settlements in Beijing area emerged ten thousand years ago. Later, along with the progress and development of the social productivity and civilization, densely populated tribes began to live on this land five thousand years ago.

解析 1.本文选自王勇的《京味文化》一书,画线部分共有四句话,原文使用了较多具有中文特色的四字词语,翻译时要注意理顺句子含义,整合句子结构。
2.第一句简洁明晰,将完整的主语,谓语,宾语按照语序翻译即可。翻译时应注意措辞,“厚重历史”,不可硬译成heavy history,此处实指“历史悠久,影响深远”,可译为long and rich history或massive history。
3.第二句里有很多四字词语,如“交融整合”和“相映生辉”,可处理为blend and integrate here,forming aglorious culture。“京味文化”此处应该是指有北京风格的文化,可译为of Beijing style。
4.第三句中,“点燃了北京文明的第一缕生辉”这句话的主语应该是北京猿人,此句可与前一分句整合为以“北京猿人”为主语的定语从句,译为Beijing Man who...kindled…。Beijing Man特指“北京猿人”,应大写首字母。“点燃第一缕文明生辉”为汉语中的抽象表达,kindle the flame of Beijing civilization可将抽象名词具体化,用kindle一词搭配flame,表达更为地道。
5.第四句回顾了北京文明的发展历史,有两个时间节点,分别出现了原始居民和部落,“出现”一词可用emerge和begin to live,避免用词重复。“伴随着……的发展与进步”可译为along with the progressand development of….
