Hawking: Man Must Leave Planet Earth Mankind will need to venture far beyond planet Earth to ensure the long-term survival o

admin2018-08-12  50

问题     Hawking: Man Must Leave Planet Earth
    Mankind will need to venture far beyond planet Earth to ensure the long-term survival of our species, according to the world’s best known scientist, Professor Stephen Hawking.
    He was speaking ahead of the presentation of Britain’s highest scientific award, the Royal Society’s Copley Medal, previously granted to Charles Darwin, Michael Faraday, and Albeit Einstein.
    He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that scientists still have "some way to go" to reach his prediction in his bestselling A Brief History of Time that mankind would one day " know the mind of God" by understanding the complete set of laws which govern the universe.
    This set of laws, which will probably rely on theory that requires more than three dimensions of space and one of time, could be uncovered within 20 years, mainly because next year the giant LHC atom smasher will go into operation in the nuclear physics laboratory in Geneva to provide new information for that quest by simulating conditions not seen since the birth of the universe as well making antimatter in a special factory.
    Prof Hawking said that this knowledge may be vital to the human race’s continued existence.
    "The long-term survival of the human race is at risk as long as it is confined to a single planet," he said. "Sooner or later, disasters such as an asteroid collision or nuclear war could wipe us all out. But once we spread out into space and establish independent colonies, our future should be safe. "There isn’t anywhere like the Earth in the solar system, so we would have to go to another star. "


答案 霍金:人类必须离开地球 世界上最著名的科学家斯蒂芬-霍金教授说,为确保能够长期延续下去,人类很有必要远离地球去探险。 霍金是在英国皇家学会授予他英国科学界最高奖项‘科普利奖章’前说这番话的。达尔文、法拉第和爱因斯坦也曾得过此荣誉。 他在英国广播公司第四台“今日”节目中说,科学家们要实现他在畅销书《时间简史》中的预言“尚需时日”。他预言,人类总有一天会认识到支配宇宙的整套规律,从而“了解上帝的想法”。 认识这套规律也许要依靠突破三维空间加一维时间的理论。这套规律可能会在20年内揭晓,主要因为明年设在日内瓦的核物理学实验室将运行大型强子对撞机,通过模拟自宇宙诞生以来从没见过的环境以及在特殊工厂制造反物质来为这一探索提供新的信息。 霍金教授说,这种信息也许正是人类继续存活下去的关键。 他说:“只要将人类限制在一个星球上,人类的长期延续就处在危险中。迟早,小行星撞击地球和核战争等威胁会将我们消灭殆尽。但是,一旦我们向太空扩展并建立自给自足的聚居地,我们的未来应该是安全的。太阳系没有一个类似于地球的地方,因此我们必须寻找另外一颗恒星。”

