
admin2022-06-09  45

问题     ①上个月召开的中国共产党全国代表大会,明确提出中国将坚持和平发展道路,坚定不移在和平共处五项原则基础上发展同各国的友好合作,积极促进“一带一路”国际合作。继续参与全球治理体系改革和建设,推动建设相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系,推动构建人类命运共同体。②这可以从亚洲开始,从周边起步。③中国将按照亲诚惠容理念,继续奉行与邻为善、以邻为伴的周边外交政策,奉行互利共赢的开放战略,把自身发展同地区国家发展对接起来,把自身安全同地区国家安全融合起来。④中国的发展只会给东亚乃至世界发展繁荣带来机遇,不会对任何国家构成威胁。⑤中方愿与峰会各方齐心协力,维护地区和平发展合作的良好势头,积极推进东亚经济共同体建设,共同谱写东亚合作新篇章、开创东亚发展新愿景!


答案 ①The National Congress of the Communist Party of China held last month has clearly articulated China’s firm commitment to peaceful development and to the development of friendship and cooperation with all other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. It has also called for vigorous promotion of international cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative, continued participation by China in the reform and development of the global governance system, and efforts to forge a new form of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation, with a view to building a community of shared future for mankind. ②These policies and objectives can be implemented in Asia, China’s neighborhood, first and foremost. ③in keeping with the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, China will continue to implement the policy of building friendship and partnership with its neighbors and the win-win strategy of opening-up, and pursue its own development and security in the broader context of promoting development and security for all in the region. ④China’s development will only bring opportunities for the development and prosperity of East Asia and the world, and will not pose a threat to any country. ⑤China wishes to work with all other EAS members to uphold the good momentum of regional peace, development and cooperation, advance the building of the East Asia Economic Community, and open new prospects for East Asian cooperation and development.

解析     1.①句“明确提出中国将坚持和平发展道路,坚定不移……”,其中“坚持”和“坚定不移”是同义词,翻译时可以合并处理,选用中心词commitment,再用介词to连接前后两个并列成分,译作China’s firm commitment to peaceful development and to the development of…。
    2.①句在翻译之前应先按照逻辑对原句进行拆分。前三个分句是总起句,介绍中国所要坚持的大方向:第四五六个分句则是进一步解释为了坚持该方向中周所要采取的行动:最后一个分句用于交代最终想要达到的目的。翻译时,可以按照上述逻辑,将原文拆分成两个部分,分别译作The National Congress of the Communist Party of China held last month has clearly articulated…It has also called for…with a view to…,从而显化译文逻辑。使其更符合英文的表达习惯。
    3.②句的主语是指示代词“这”,在译作英文时,应补充信息以显化其所具体指代的事物。因此,在翻译时我们采取增译法,补充主语信息These policies and objectives…,使译文之间的前后衔接更加紧密。
    4.③句“中国将按照亲诚惠容理念……”,可以按照原文结构处理为China will stick to the principle of…也可以选择将动词“按照”转译为介词,译作In keeping with the principle of…以此来充当整句话的状语成分,使句子间的逻辑更加清晰。
    5.③句“把自身发展同地区国家发展对接起来,把自身安全同地区国家安全融合起来”可以采用合并处理的译法,整合后理解为“把自身发展和安全同地区国家发展和安全结合起来”,故可译作pursue its own development and security in the broader context of promoting development and security for all in the region,这样可使得句子结构显得更加紧凑。
    6.⑤句由四个小分句组成,第一个分句表明中国愿意与各方合作,后三个分句进一步解释合作目的,翻译时应该注意分句间的逻辑关系,可用介词to来连接各成分,以显化逻辑,译作China wishes to work with all other EAS members to…。
