美国的传统节日,有不少是我这个东方人从未经历过,甚至闻所未闻的。 刚到美国,我去一所成人学校读英语。一脚跨进教室,就见一位碧眼女郎飞步迎来,献上一张心形卡片,上面赫然写着:“我喜欢你!”我不禁愕然。纵然“一见钟情”,也没有如此神速的!岂料又有一位金发

admin2021-02-24  61

问题    美国的传统节日,有不少是我这个东方人从未经历过,甚至闻所未闻的。


答案 Upon the arrival in the United States, I went to an adult school to learn English. The moment I was striding into the classroom, I saw a blue-eyed girl flying the step to welcome and present a heart-shaped card, impressively above saying: "I like you!" I could not help getting stunned. Even in the case of "love at first sight" , there was also no such amazingly fast-growing love! However, there was another blond girl arriving in close succession and also handing a heart-shaped card, above which was also written: "I like you!" What a great fortune in love affairs! Accept any offer or decline? Just as I was considering, my savior turned up fortunately. Ms. Chen, my English teacher from Taiwan, arrived gracefully, laughing and saying in a clear voice, "Receive and ignore who sends you: just receive. Today is Valentine’s Day. Americans present a heart-shaped card to each other to show friendship. " Ah! I smiled with a sigh of relief.

