The 1995 Women’s World Cup in Sweden was anticipated as the consecration of the success which the women’s game enjoyed at the in

admin2011-02-09  58

问题     The 1995 Women’s World Cup in Sweden was anticipated as the consecration of the success which the women’s game enjoyed at the inaugural championship in China in 199. After 52 teams participated in qualifying play, players from the best dozen teams in the world came together in the quest for two prizes: the World Cup itself, but also qualification for the first women’s Olympic Football Tournament the following year in the United States. //
    The predominant impression from Sweden was that women’s football was very alive, very well, and growing fast. All the positive features of the China tournament were in evidence again, notably the spirit of fair play, the will to attack, and the uninhibited enjoyment of the game. // But there were other new positive aspects, too. Not only did more teams in Sweden appear to have a greater number of first-choice players than in China, but also the gap in skill and talent between the top teams and the less successful had clearly closed over the past half decade. What’s more, significant progress in the refereeing sector had taken place, with women officials taking charge of several matches, including the final. //
    Europe still dominated the game in 1995, with the USA a proven strength, and the Far East another hotbed. But it was now for a few particular areas of the world, notably South America and also Africa, to recognize the ineluctable evolution and rise to the challenge of the future. // The best example of this new change was evident in Brazil which, after a disappointing performance in Sweden, enthusiastically set about building up a new national team and saw its efforts crowned with a richly deserved fourth place in the 1996 Olympic Football Tournaments. // In addition to the fact that the standard of football was high throughout the event, Atlanta’96 will be remembered for being the first time ever that there was a women’s football tournament at the Olympics. Nearly 1.4 million people watched the matches—averaging over 40,000 per game. //
    With its incredible setting and fantastic atmosphere, the Women’s World Cup USA 1999 final was a milestone in the history of women’s sports of any kind. This World Cup will go down in sports history as a turning point; it has set the standard against which events today and in the future are measured, and will forever be remembered as the breakthrough that spurred on and encouraged every confederation, every national association and every club to continue to try to do everything possible for the women’s game. //
    No fewer than 90,000 women, men, girls and boys were there, including former President Bill Clinton of the United States of America, filled the stadium on a baking hot day at the final of the Women’s World Cup in Los Angeles on 9 July 1999. Media interest reached new heights. The American team finally made the nation’s dream come true, but only after scoring with a fifth and final penalty kick. Pictures of the team’s celebrations were rushed round the world and will be remembered for a long time. //
    Teams from 104 nations participated in qualifying competition for the FIFA Women’s World Cup USA 2003, nearly 25 more teams than in 1999. It is recognized that there is a need to raise the skill level of players, from the local level all the way through the top teams, so that the next Women’s World Cup final round also captivates spectators in terms of quality—technical and tactical — and underscores that women’s football has definitely established itself. //
    The way to the top begins at an early age. It is, therefore, vital for every club to support the ambitions of the national association by engaging qualified staff for coaching at the youngest levels. On the international scene, this will lead to the base of the pyramid widening and a significant pay-off in terms of quality at the top later on. // Over 80 teams participated in qualifying for the first FIFA U-19 Championship, held in Canada in 2002. Although it will take time for the effect to be felt, for new nations to start to challenge today’s best, more competition can only be for the good of the game overall. //


答案 1991年在中国举行的首届女足世界杯锦标赛取得了成功,1995年瑞典女足世界杯则被视作是这一成功的进一步体现。在52支球队进行了资格赛之后,来自世界各地最好的12支球队的球员们聚集在一起,共同追逐两大目标:首先是争夺世界杯,再一个就是取得进军首届奥运会女足比赛的资格,该项赛事将于次年在美国举行。// 瑞典世界杯给人最深刻的印象是:女足运动具有旺盛的生命力,正在健康、快速地发展起来。在这次比赛中,所有曾在中国赛场上表现出来的积极方面都再次得到了印证,尤其是公平竞赛的精神、进攻的意志以及对比赛无拘无束的享受。//除此之外,还有更多令人欣喜的方面。与1991年的中国赛场相比,更多的球队拥有了大量可供选择的一线球员,而且在过去的几年里,弱势球队与顶级球队之间在技术和能力上的差距明显缩小。另外,在裁判方面也取得了重大进步,女性裁判执法了好几场比赛,其中包括最后的决赛。// 尽管美国队被证明非常强大,远东球队也表现不俗,但1995年世界杯仍然是欧洲球队的天下。不过现在,随着世界上几个重点地区的加入——尤其是南美洲和非洲的加入,其发展和进步是不可忽视的,也给未来带来了挑战。//巴西队正是这种新变化的最好例证,在瑞典经历了令人失望的表现之后,她们全力投入建立一支新的国家队,并在随后看到了这种努力带来的收获。在1996年奥运会女足比赛中,该队当之无愧地获得第四名的成绩。//除了整个比赛期间高水准的足球赛事之外,1996年亚特兰大奥运会值得铭记的是,女足比赛第一次进入奥运会赛场。有近140万名观众现场观看了比赛,平均每场观众人数超过了4万人。// 由于其了不起的环境和无与伦比的气氛,1999年美国女足世界杯决赛堪称是所有女子运动项目的一个里程碑。本届世界杯将作为一个转折点记载于体育运动的历史中,它为今天甚至未来的大型赛事建立了一个标准。人们将永远铭记本次世界杯,还因为它推动和鼓舞了每一个联盟、每一个国家级足协和每一家俱乐部,继续去尽一切努力来发展女足运动。// 1999年7月9日的洛杉矶,天气十分炎热。不下9万观众——包括美国前总统比尔?克林顿——将球场塞了个水泄不通,他们正在观看女足世界杯的决赛。媒体的关注达到了一个新的顶峰。最终主队实现了所有关国人的梦想,不过她们也只是依靠第五个也是最后一个点球,才艰难取胜。球队庆祝胜利的照片在全世界范围内迅速传播,并将在很长一段时间内留在人们的脑海中。// 来自104个国家的球队参加了2003年美国女足世界杯资格赛的争夺,这比1999年的世界杯多了25支球队。但无论是地方球队还是顶级的球队,大家一致认为球员们在技术上还需进一步提高。所以下一届世界杯的决赛仍然要在质量上,——技术和战术上——吸引观众的目光,这也表明女足运动已完全步入正轨。// 千里之行,始于足下。因此对任何俱乐部来说,雇佣高水平的教练来执教青少年队,以此支持国家级足协的雄心都是至关重要的。就国际赛场而言,这样做能够拓宽和加强女足金字塔的基础,不久的将来,位于塔尖球队的质量会有显著的提高。//首届国际足联19岁以下青年女子足球锦标赛于2002年在加拿大举行,超过80支球队参加了该项赛事的资格赛。尽管还需要一段时间才能显现出效果,但对于那些开始挑战当今霸主的新生力量来说,更多的比赛对于这项运动无疑是有好处的。//

