下面你将听到一段题为“说聪明”的论述。 聪明的人,智力发达、记忆和理解能力也强。聪明是好事,是财富,应好好利用,用于进步;用于获取知识,用于为祖国为人民做好事,为大家也为自己好。应该承认,人和人不一样,有的人就是聪明。周恩来就是一个聪明的人,早在年

admin2008-01-10  59

问题     下面你将听到一段题为“说聪明”的论述。
    但是,周恩来一生取得那么多伟大成就靠什么呢? 靠的是努力,是刻苦,是呕心沥血,是鞠躬尽瘁,是对祖国、对党、对人民的无限忠诚。中国之大,人口之多,相信比周恩来聪明的人大有人在,但有几个能像周恩来那样永远留在人民心中呢?


答案 When we describe someone as smart, we mean to say that he is intelligent, has a powerful memory and can quickly understand things. It is good to be smart, as it is an asset that we can put to good use, such as achieving progress, acquiring knowledge, serving the country and the people, and making life better for ourselves and others as well. We have to admit that people are different from one another, and some are really smart. Zhou Enlai, for example, was a smart person. When he was still very young, one of his peers said that Zhou was every inch a genius. But, what made him a man of many great achievements? He became such a man with his hard work, strenuous efforts, complete devotion and dedication to the last breath, and his bound less love and loyalty to the country, the Party and the people he served. Given China’s vast expanse and huge population, there must be persons who are smarter than Zhou Enlai. Yet how many of them have left a profound memory in people’s hearts and minds as Zhou Enlai? It would be best if a smart person could complement his smartness with hard work, which is the surest path to success. But those who can do this often do not regard themselves as smart. On the contrary, they feel that they are not nearly as smart and still need to work really hard. New inventions have invariably come out of the strenuous research of the smart people who summarized their experience, tried repeatedly and thought deeply. And none of them has grown naturally and effortlessly out of pure smartness. Without hard work, even a smart person cannot accomplish anything. Not trying to work hard is in itself not a smart thing to do. Success lies, first and foremost, in hard work, not smartness. After all, where does smartness come from? One cannot deny the hereditary element. But if a smart boy should be denied of schooling, and all the training that he would have as he grows up, I am afraid his smartness would not last long. In most circumstances, however, a person’s smartness is acquired through his hard work.

解析     本文讨论什么是真正的聪明,文章从聪明的优势谈起,以举例和对比的方法深化主题,最后文章的落脚点是本文最后一句话,即人的聪明是经过后天的努力培育出来的。
