The following two excerpts are about whether parents of juvenile offenders should be held legally responsible for their children

admin2021-08-06  42

问题    The following two excerpts are about whether parents of juvenile offenders should be held legally responsible for their children’s crimes. From the excerpts, you can find that some people support this idea while others remain doubtful about it.
   Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 WORDS, in which you should;
   1.   summarize the different responses about legal obligations of parents whose children commit crimes, and then
   2.  express your opinion towards this issue, especially whether parents of juvenile offenders should be held legally responsible for their children’s crimes.
   Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
   Write your article on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
   Excerpt 1
                        Victim’s Parents Speak of Parental Duty
   The father of Autumn Pasquale, who was strangled by a 15-year-old Clayton boy last fall, has sued the boy’s parents saying they were negligent in supervising the teen and could have done more to prevent the tragedy.
   The suit, filed in Gloucester County Superior Court by Anthony Pasquale, claims Justin Robinson’s parents Anita Saunders and Alonzo Robinson knew or should have known before Autumn’s murder in October 2012 that their son was "possibly engaging in the theft of bicycles" , required remedial treatment for pre-existing emotional, psychological and neurodevelopmental problems, and had been negatively impacted by witnessing domestic abuse in the home.
   "If you’re going to raise a murderer, you’re going to take responsibility for it," said Kathleen Bonczyk, Anthony Pasquale’s attorney for the civil complaint. The suit also seeks monetary compensation for pain, suffering and funeral expenses, as well as a chance to depose those involved to find out specifically what happened the day Autumn was killed, and learn more about how Justin was raised, Bonczyk said.
   News of the lawsuit—filed shortly after Justin Robinson was sentenced to 17 years in prison on a plea deal for aggravated manslaughter—has sparked a debate between readers on nj. com, who all seem to have differing opinions on whether Justin’s parents should be held liable.
   Some people say that more parents of juvenile offenders should be held legally responsible for their children’s crimes because it would send a message to parents that they have to raise kids right. One person points out the duty of being parents by saying "the apple doesn’t fall far. Somebody should have disciplined these thieves and murderers a long time ago. It shouldn’t take lawsuits to show people how to be parents. "
   Excerpt 2
                     Share the Responsibility in Educating Our Children
   The lawsuit of Autumn Pasquale raises concern about whether parents should be held accountable for their children’s behavior. While some express condolences for the victim’s family and wish them good luck in court, there are also other voices about this issue. For example, one parent says that children should develop their own individual responsibility earlier because children should be taught to be less dependent on their parents and on other elders in such a way that they learn to behave by themselves. He continues to argue that for a child, it is very common to commit mistakes. By this, parents should know how to resolve such situations and teach their children do the right thing. In this manner, children would be developing their responsibility.
   However, he adds "children usually have the attitude of authority aversion. At this point, children usually don’t listen to their parents. And so, we can see how parents are not responsible for their children’s discipline problems in school but their children themselves are. I just want to point out here that these children are in a certain school to learn and to be educated. By it, I mean that children are the only one that should be held responsible for their own actions. "
   Many other people express similar opinions by pointing out that it is almost impossible for parents to watch over their children all over the day. Besides, there are a lot of reasons for some parental responsibility failure such as the mothers’ inability to reach out to their kids or the developmental or mental issues hidden inside the children. More sober voices also mention the responsibility of the school, the community and the society in educating our children.


答案 Should Parents Be Held Legally Responsible for Their Children’s Crimes? The suit filed recently by a desperate father whose son was killed by another boy resonates among the public who call for the legal responsibility of the criminal’ parents on the supposition that parents should raise their children right. But still others mention the impossibility of carrying out around-the-clock supervision and the complex reasons for juveniles’ aggressive behavior such as authority aversion and developmental issues, added to which the duty of the school, the community and the society are all contributors to children’s education. Personally, parents of juvenile offenders should be held legally responsible for their children’s crimes. Our sad era is witnessing more and more daunting criminal cases committed by juvenile offenders who senselessly blitz innocent victims. Raised with little to no supervision by either of their irresponsible parents, these children are inclined to run wildly like unbridled horses. Against the argument that parents are unlikely to keep an eye on their children all the time, parents should, first and foremost, raise their children in a cradle riddled with care, love and a sense of justice. Research shows repeatedly that an astonishing 70% of violent children are raised in a hostile environment where brawls erupt and brutality unveils. In some cases, these wretched kids even fall victim to their ferocious parents who know little about parenting. So their tigerish growth owes partially to their parents’ negligence of their responsibilities. Therefore, it is disapprovingly understandable that these children are more likely to resort to hawkish behavior when confronted with issues. Holding parents accountable in the legal term may not be the best but a sensible way to send a message that parents should discipline their kids. A child who grows up in a loving home is unlikely to turn into a bloodthirsty killer all of a sudden. Just as the old saying goes, as you brew, so must you drink it, parents should be blamed for their failing children.

解析    本题讨论的是家长是否应该为其未成年孩子的过失而负法律责任。选段1以一个悲惨的例子引出此话题,明确指出这些不负教育责任的家长应该入刑;而选段2则从家长不可能全天候监管孩子,以及孩子的叛逆期和孩子应该为自己的错误行为负责的角度反驳了以上观点。同时选段2还指出教育孩子的责任不仅仅来自家长一方。本题的写作重点在于首先要概括上述选段观点,其次就家长是否应该为其未成年孩子的过失而负法律责任阐述自己的观点。
