小偷的首要目标 新出台的犯罪数据显示,手机已经超过钱包跃居小偷的首要目标。小偷一直以来都是偷现金和钱包,但不断攀升的手机价格使小偷开始将手机作为首要目标。新发布的犯罪分析宣称,在所有偷盗案中,像iphone这种电子设备被偷窃占了一半以上。对犯罪的调

admin2018-08-12  13

问题     小偷的首要目标


答案 Top Target for Thieves/ Muggers According to newly issued figures about crime , cellphones have surpassed purses and wallets as the No. 1 choice for thieves. Cash and wallets had previously been targets for thieves, but the rising cost of mobile phones has made them the priority target. A newly released analysis of crime figures shows that electronic devices such as iPhones account for more than 50% of all stolen items. The crime study said the continuously increasing cost of smartphones was attracting the attention of thieves. Since an increasing number of people are carrying expensive electronic devices, these have become desirable targets. About half of theft cases against individuals were concerned with the theft of mobile phones whereas/ while in the past cash and purses were most commonly stolen. Meanwhile, the vehicle-mounted satellite navigation system has been substituted for the radio and the CD as the prime target in car crime. Theft of electronic equipment such as satellite navigation systems makes up about 20% of the thefts from vehicles, which is a lot higher than the proportion ten years ago when the most commonly stolen items were car radios and CDs. The most commonly stolen items in domestic burglaries are computers and jewellery. In nearly two fifths of domestic burglaries, laptops, tablets and other home computers were stolen. Targeting items of high value was apparent in domestic burglaries where, after purses, wallets or money, the most commonly stolen items were computers and jewellery. In just one in twenty domestic burglaries, items such as CDs and DVDs were stolen; a decade ago it was around one in five. On the whole, younger people were more likely to be victimized by burglaries and muggings. Meanwhile, the unemployed, compared to people at work, were more than twice as likely to be burgled.

