亚投行 亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行)是一个由中国政府提议成立的国际金融组织。这是一个多边的开发银行,意在向亚洲地区的基础设施项目提供财力。有些人将亚投行视为国际货币基金组织、世界银行、亚洲开发银行的竞争对手,这些银行由美国等发达国家主宰。

admin2018-08-12  40

问题     亚投行


答案 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, an international financial institution proposed by the Chinese government, is a multilateral development bank established to finance infrastructure projects in Asia. Some people see the AIIB as a competitor for the IMF, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which are all under the control of the developed nations headed by the United States. This new bank will permit the use of Chinese capital to fund infrastructure projects so that in Asia’s economic development, China can play a greater role commensurate with/ proportionate to her expanding economic and political influence. Conversely, before March 2015, China had only a 5.47% voting share in the ADB whereas Japan and the US had a combined total of 26% of the voting rights (each with 13%). The two countries’ dominance and their reluctance to make timely reforms have triggered China’s intention to create the AIIB, which will heighten the two countries’ concerns over China’s growing power. By April 2, 2015, nearly all Asian nations and most major countries outside of Asia had participated in the AIIB, though the US and Japan ( which dominate the ADB) and Canada had not applied. News coverage of the AIIB first appeared in last October. Frustrated by/ Dissatisfied by what it regards as the slow rate of reform to the governance (of the financial institutions), the Chinese government wants a greater voting right in global established institutions such as the10 IMF, World Bank and Asian Development Bank, which it deems as being dominated by the interests of the US, Europe and Japan.

