在这个百年变局中,中国当然也会遇到各种新的挑战和新的风险。然而,中国外交就像一艘在大海中航行的巨轮,不为任何迷雾所惑,不被一切风浪所阻,稳健而又坚定地沿着自己确定的方向劈波斩浪、砥砺前行。 我们的定力和自信,来自于党的坚强正确领导。 第一个

admin2019-10-11  60

问题     在这个百年变局中,中国当然也会遇到各种新的挑战和新的风险。然而,中国外交就像一艘在大海中航行的巨轮,不为任何迷雾所惑,不被一切风浪所阻,稳健而又坚定地沿着自己确定的方向劈波斩浪、砥砺前行。


答案 Amid these once-in-a-century changes, China has naturally encountered new challenges and risks. Yet the Chinese diplomacy, like a giant vessel navigating the sea, has neither lost direction in the mist, nor been deterred by winds and storms. Instead, it has kept cleaving waves and forging ahead, resolute and steadfast, toward its intended destination. This steadfastness and confidence comes from the strong leadership of the Communist Party. …… The first keyword is openness. Contributing to China’s wider opening-up has been an overarching theme of China’s diplomacy in 2018. This year marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up. China is determined to further open up while deepening reforms. …… The second keyword is cooperation. Win-win cooperation is the brightest highlight of China’s foreign policy in 2018. The joint undertaking of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) entered a new phase this year. …… The third key phrase is steady progress, which is the goal of China’s foreign policy in 2018. With a cool head and a proactive approach amid regional and global complexities, we have maintained overall stability of our relations with the major countries, and achieved all-round improvement and growth of our relations with neighboring countries. …… The fourth key phrase is standing at the forefront of our times. This reflects China’s concern for the common good of humanity in 2018. The international system has reached a crucial moment of transformation, and the world economy has arrived at a crossroads. In the face of disagreement, disillusionment and disquiet among countries, China, following the trend of the times, is working actively to forge a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind and endeavoring to make the global governance system more just and equitable. In a highly uncertain world, China has become an important source of stability.

