
admin2020-02-10  19

问题 生命没有寄托的人,青年时代和“儿时”对他格外宝贵。这种浪漫的回忆其实并不是发现了“儿时”的真正了不得,而是感觉到“中年”以后的衰退。本来,生命只有一次,对于谁都是宝贵的。但是,假使他的生命溶化在大众的里面,假使他天天在为这个世界干些什么,那么,他总在生长,虽然衰老病死仍旧是逃避不了,然而他的事业——大众的事业是不死的,他会领略到“永久的青春”。而“浮生如梦”的人,从这世界里拿去的很多,而给这世界的却很少,——他总有一天会觉得疲乏的死亡:他连拿都没有力量了。衰老和无能的悲哀,像铅一样的沉重,压在他的心头。青春是多么短呵!


答案 One who lives a life without high aspirations will treasure all the more the memory of his own youth and childhood. As it is, the sentimental recollection marks his awareness of post-middle age decline rather than his discovery of anything truly remarkable in the bygone days. Life is of course precious to anyone because he will pass through it but once. But one will long remain fresh and vigorous, if he identifies himself with the broad masses of people and day in, day out does his bit for the good of the public. Although, being subject to the law of nature, he too will eventually become aged and die, yet his course—the public course—will be everlasting. He will enjoy perennial youth in spirit. Those who dream away their life without doing anything useful are taking from this world much more than they are giving to it until at last they are too enfeebled to take any more and die of weariness. Consequently, a sad feeling of getting senile and incompetent weighs heavily on their mind like a lump of lead. All they do is bemoan the transience of youth!

解析 背景介绍
-  生命没有寄托的人,青年时代和“儿时”对他格外宝贵:这句话的意思是一个没有崇高理想和远大抱负的人会格外怀念他的青年时代和儿时,译为“One who lives a life without high aspirations will treasure all the more the memory of his own youth and childhood.”其中high aspirations表达“寄托”;to treasure the memory of意同to cherish the memory of,作“深情怀念”解。
-  这种浪漫的回忆其实并不是发现了“儿时”的真正了不得,而是感觉到“中年”以后的衰退:此处“浪漫的回忆”译为the sentimental recollection,其中sentimental与romantic意思相近,但前者偏重于“感伤”之意,后者偏重于“不切实际”之意,联系上下文应选用前者;  “儿时”意指那些已经逝去的时光,可译成bygone days。译文:As it is,the sentimental recollection marks his awareness of post-middle age decline rather than his discovery of anything truly remarkable in the bygone days.
-  但是,假使他的生命溶化在大众的里面,假使他天天在为这个世界干些什么,那么,他总在生长:句中的“假使他的生命溶化在大众的里面”意为如果他与大众打成一片或是他融人人民群众中;  “他总在生长”即他始终充满了活力。译文:But one will long remain fresh and vigorous,if he identifies himself with the broad masses of people and day in,day out does his bit for the good of the public.
-  虽然衰老病死仍旧是逃避不了,然而他的事业——大众的事业是不死的,他会领略到“永久的青春”:这里的“衰老病死仍旧是逃避不了”可以用being subject to the law of nature(按自然规律性)来表达逃避不了;  “永久的青春”并不是指生理上的永葆青春,而是指精神或内心的青春状态。原文“然而他的事业——大众的事业”中破折号后是对“事业”的具体解释,在翻译时,可用插入语的形式来与原文保持内容和结构上的一致性。译文:Although,being subject to the law of nature,he too will eventually become aged and die,yet his course—the public course—will be everlasting.He will enjoy perennial youth in spirit.
-  “浮生如梦”的人:指的是那些虚度光阴、碌碌无为的人,故译为“those who dream away their life without doing anything useful”。
