
admin2011-02-09  62

问题     到1999年春季,美国环境保护署和中国国家环境保护总局(SEPA)的官员签订了一个协议备忘录,建立了两国在排污权交易和酸雨控制方面的双边示范项目。在签字仪式上召开的国际研讨会上,与会者通过介绍了解了美国环境保护协会与中国地方城市之间的合作项目,这也是到目前为止唯一的一项实地项目。中国国家环境保护总局将美国环境保护协会的项目整理成正式文件,作为中国官方在这个双边项目中的贡献。该文件对美国环保协会所做的工作做了正式的介绍。//此外,中国国家环境保护总局指定美国环保协会和它的合作伙伴一起监督中美酸雨及排污权交易项目的案例研究。美国环保协会于1999年12月首次组织召开了两国双边会议。这些新的进展恰好给双方合作提供了高层信息传递的媒介以及所需要的官方关注。//


答案 In the spring of 1999, a memorandum of agreement between the Administrators of the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Chinese State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) established a bilateral project on emissions trading and acid rain. At the international workshop convened for the signing, the project between U.S. Environmental Defense and local cities in China was presented to the participants as the only practical field work conducted to date. SEPA has developed official documentation for Environmental Defense’s project as China’s official contribution to this bilateral project in which Environmental Defense’s work is formally introduced. //In addition, Environmental Defense together with its partners has been named by SEPA as overseers of all the case studies for US-China acid rain emissions trading program. Environmental Defense organized the first bilateral meeting between the two countries in December of 1999. These new developments provide exactly the high-level delivery vehicle for the bilateral cooperation and focus of official attention needed. // Environmental Defense also continues to use its substantial experience and network of domestic policy-makers in the U.S. to reinforce the development of the capacities and infrastructure. Environmental Defense has recently hosted key participants in the demonstration project in the U.S. for meetings with the US counterparts and participated in the second bilateral meeting held in Washington this past October. // Environmental Defense believes that Total Emissions Control (TEC) is a critical new development in Chinese environmental policy. It represents a clear understanding of the importance of effective policies to limit total discharges rather than just concentrations. The United States is the only country in the world to have developed a credible reservoir of experience with such environmental policies. // If China is to transform its environmental management system from one which addresses incremental loads but is ineffective in protecting human health and the environment to a system that includes meaningful and enforceable emission limitations consistent with continued economic growth, then it is critical that TEC is perceived as a successful path forward. // (Excerpt from "Emissions Trading in China" by Mr. Zhang Jianyu, China Representative, of Environment Defense China Program, USA at the annual conference of Boao Asian Forum in 2002)

