在冷战结束后的新形势下,两国要不要及如何发展双边关系,是中美两国面临的重大课题。“永久正常贸易关系”的通过表明,在美国,支持发展中美关系的力量占了上风,美国政府、国会、工商企业界和公众的主流都支持以建设性的态度与中国打交道。 其次,中美关系的内涵得

admin2011-01-09  66

问题     在冷战结束后的新形势下,两国要不要及如何发展双边关系,是中美两国面临的重大课题。“永久正常贸易关系”的通过表明,在美国,支持发展中美关系的力量占了上风,美国政府、国会、工商企业界和公众的主流都支持以建设性的态度与中国打交道。


答案  Under the new situation after the end of Cold War, both China and the United States faced an important question: Should they continue to pursue healthy relations with each other, and how? The passage of the Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) shows that inside the United States, forces that advocate stronger ties with China have gained the upper hand and the mainstream in the U.S. government, Congress and business communities, as well as the general public, support a constructive approach to China. Secondly, China-U.S. relations have become more multidimensional. Economy and trade constitute a component of the entire relationship. China and the U.S. are important trading partners, and the U.S. was China’s major source of investment. Without stable and sound commercial cooperation, China-U.S. political relations would become rather hollow for lack of driving force and would lose public interest to participate. So a good commercial cooperation could complement political relations and, in particular, it could make the impact less unbearable should political relations run into troubles. Thirdly, PNTR has enhanced the mutual trust and cooperation between the two countries. The U.S. gives PNTR treatment to practically every country in the world, but has kept China off that list for many years. This in itself is discrimination and a sign of distrust. If not corrected, the Chinese people would find it hard to understand the necessity of closer China-U.S. relations and would question U.S. sincerity for cooperation. Without the support and participation of the people, state-to-state relations could not get anywhere. With greater flow of goods and people and with the introduction of investment and managerial know-how once PNTR is put in place, there will undoubtedly be greater understandings and fewer misunderstandings between the two countries. Fourthly, sending out a positive signal to China’s neighbors in the Asian-Pacific region. China is an Asian-Pacific country. And the U.S. claims to be one with a great deal of influence in the region. If China and the U.S. stay friendly, other countries in the region will benefit. If not, they will suffer. With PNTR, the two countries show to their neighbors in the region that they are willing to live together in friendship and had the will and capacity to resolve differences through negotiations. This will have a far-reaching impact on the stability and prosperity of the entire region.

解析     本文是关于中美贸易关系的讲话,主要讨论了中美双边贸易正常化的意义和有待解决的问题。本文要求应试者掌握国际政治和经贸方面的基本常识,这些知识构成考查应试者基本素质的内容,在较为短暂的时间内,应试者还需对复杂的长难句作出判断,使翻译不仅信息完整正确,还要基本符合英语习惯。在此基础上,应试者还要对文中的某些单词或短语作出判断,使其翻译不仅正确还要符合上下文语境的需要。
    - 基本素质采分点
    1.冷战                   Cold War
    2.永久正常贸易关系       the Permanent Normal Trade Relations(PNTR)
    3.国会                   Congress
    4.亚太地区               Asian-Pacific region
    - 结构理解采分点
    该句句式与英文相仿,所以可按自然顺序翻译,但要注意“支持发展中美关系的力量”的译法,该短语中定语过长,可考虑用从句形式翻译。而“占了上风”可考虑使用固定短语表达,在中译英时,一定要注意尽量使用固定的句型或短语,这样不仅节省时间,还使译文显得地道。因此,原句可译为“The passage of the Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) shows that inside the United States, forces that advocate stronger ties with China have gained the upper hand and the mainstream in the U.S. government, Congress and business communities, as well as the general public, support a constructive approach to China.”
    该句翻译要注意对原文“就会”的理解,这里只表示一种虚拟,不要按字面意思用will,以避免态度的生硬。因此,原句可译为“Without stable and sound commercial cooperation, China-U.S. political relations would become rather hollow for lack of driving force.”
    该句翻译要求应试者特别处理好句子后半部分。原句中的“在政治关系出现波动时”要表明一种委婉的态度,因此需采用虚拟语气;“发挥减震作用”采用反语表达,也可使语气更为婉转。因此,原句可译为“So a good commercial cooperation could complement political relations and, in particular, it could make the impact less unbearable should political relations run into troubles.”
    该句翻译时,也应依上述,使用虚拟语气;而且在处理“不解决这个问题”时,译文可根据上下文省略主语,因此,原句可译为“If not corrected,the Chinese people would find it hard to understand the necessity of closer China-U.S. relations and would question U.S. sincerity for cooperation.”
    因为是口译,译文的翻译结构最大可能向原文靠拢,按照原文特点,句子主要部分应是“两国间的了解无疑会加深,误解也会减少”,根据尽量用英文句型的原则,可考虑翻译采用there be...表达,而原文其他部分也与汉语原句一样,译为相应的状语表达结构。因此,原句可译为“With greater flow of goods and people and with the introduction of investment and managerial know-how once RNTR is put in place, there will undoubtedly be greater understandings and fewer misunderstandings between the two countries.”
    - 言语表达采分点
    1.占上风                  gain the upper hand
    2.工商界                  business community
    3.以建设性的态度          support a constructive approach
    4.贸易伙伴                trading partner
    5.前进的动力              driving force
    6.发挥减震作用            make...less unbearable
    7.互信和合作              mutual trust and cooperation
    8.给予……待遇            give...treatment
    9.深远的影响              far-reaching impact
    10.解决分歧               resolve differences
