加强区域能源合作 共创亚太美好未来 资源节约与综合利用司副司长 刘显法 2002年7月25日 各位来宾、女士们、先生们: 上午好!今天,我们在这里

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问题                    加强区域能源合作  共创亚太美好未来
                   资源节约与综合利用司副司长 刘显法
    展望新世纪,人口、资源、环境成为世界各国经济和社会发展中面临的三大问题,而其核心是 资源问题,特别是能源资源的可持续发展问题。亚太地区有将近世界一半的人口,能源消费总量占 世界消费总量的20%以上,随着经济的快速发展,这个比例还会进一步增加。亚太地区能源生产消 费方式及其变化,必将对世界能源发展带来深刻的影响。提高能源利用效率、加大可再生能源开发 力度和采用新能源技术是解决能源和环境问题的最现实、最经济的途径,也是亚太地区可持续发展 战略的重要组成部分。[TONE]∥[TONE]
    二十一世纪前十年将是中国经济结构战略性调整的关键时期,为此,我们将采取完善法规、加 快企业技术改造、加强技术开发和推广应用、加强宣传教育培训等措施,以及财政、金融激励政策, 同时进一步加强国际交流与合作,学习借鉴国外先进经验和技术,为推进我国能源可持续发展,减 少污染物排放、保护环境做出更大贡献。


答案 Intensify Regional Energy Cooperation, Co-Build a Bright Future Liu Xianfa, Deputy Chief of Resources Conservation & Multipurpose Use Department July 25, 2002 Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning. The International Symposium on Sustainable Energy Development in Asia and Pacific Region is jointly held here today. Government officials, entrepreneurs and scholars from 10 countries and international organizations in Asia and Pacific region are coming together to analyze the new challenges posed to sustainable energy development in the new century, and to discuss sustainable energy policies, development strategies, as well as coping measures. Energy is the foundation for national economic development and also the constraint for social and economic sustainable development. Over the past two decades since the reform and opening up, the Chinese Government has formulated and implemented the principle of giving equal importance to energy development and conservation and improving energy efficiency. As a result, great achievements have been made in energy development; the total energy output increased from 637 million tons in 1980 to 1.07 billion tons in 2000. The output of renewable energy like hydro power, solar power, wind power and bio mass reached to 86 million tons, accounting for 6.6% of the total consumption of national commercial energy. At the same time, energy efficiency also improved; the primary energy consumption increased by 4.7% on average every year, which drove 9.5% growth rate of the national economy. Our goal that the energy for economic development came partly from exploitation and partly from conservation has been met. Looking to the new century, population, resources and environment are the three problems facing all countries in economic and social development, of which resources is the central issue, particularly the sustainable development of energy. Asia and Pacific region feeds half of the world population, its energy consumption accounts for more than 20% of the total in the world; with the rapid economic development, the share will be more. The mode of energy production and consumption and its change will surely exert profound impact on world energy development. Higher energy efficiency, more exploitation of renewable energy and new technology is the most realistic and economical solution to energy and environment problems, and also is the integral part of sustainable development strategies in Asia and Pacific region. The first decade in the 21st century will be the critical period for China’s strategic economic restructuring. Therefore, we are committed to improving laws and regulations, expediting technological upgrading in businesses, intensifying technology development and application, and enhancing communication, education and training. We will also work out incentive fiscal and financial policies, have learn the advanced experience and expertise from other countries, so as to make more contribution to promoting our sustainable energy development, reducing pollutants discharging and protecting our environment. Finally, I wish the symposium a complete success. Thank you.

