新中国成立70年来,中国的人权事业取得了举世瞩目的成就。 1949年新中国成立前,中国的人均GDP仅达27美元,人均预期寿命35岁,人均受教育年限不到一年,约90%的中国人民是文盲;战乱仍频,人民生活在苦难之中。 现在,中国已成为世界第二大

admin2020-05-09  44

问题     新中国成立70年来,中国的人权事业取得了举世瞩目的成就。


答案 Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China 70 years ago, the China’s cause of human rights has made remarkable achievements. Before the founding of the New China in 1949, China’s per capita GDP was only 27 US Dollars and people’s average life expectancy was 35 years. The Chinese people received less than one-year schooling on average, with about 90% being illiterate. Moreover, people suffered of frequent wars and lived in misery. At present, China has become the world’s second largest economy, where people live and work in peace and contentment, and the Chinese people’s average life expectancy has increased from 35 to 77 years. In China, a legal and policy system has also been established to protect its citizens’ rights. “Respect and protection of human rights” have been included into the Constitution of China, which significantly promoted the harmonious development of the Chinese society. The Chinese government supports the protection of citizen’s rights to subsistence and development, opposes the trend to ignore economic, social and cultural rights, advocates the balanced protection between both rights and promotes human rights as well as eliminates poverty through development. In other words, China’s principle of human rights has received extensive support from the international community. China has conscientiously fulfilled its international obligations of human rights by acceding to 26 international conventions on human rights, including 6 core treaties. China has carried out extensive exchanges and cooperation in term of human rights internationally by conducting dialogues and consultations with more than 20 countries in the world and maintaining constructive exchanges with United Nations human rights mechanisms.

