⑴ 呼和浩特(蒙古语为“青色的城”)是内蒙古自治区的首府。⑵ 作为内蒙古自治区政治、经济、文化和工业中心,呼和浩特也是羊毛皮革、建筑材料、钢铁和化肥的生产中心。⑶ 呼和浩特地处温带内陆地区,属西北大陆性气候,市区平均海拔l,050米,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,四

admin2022-06-09  25

问题     ⑴ 呼和浩特(蒙古语为“青色的城”)是内蒙古自治区的首府。⑵ 作为内蒙古自治区政治、经济、文化和工业中心,呼和浩特也是羊毛皮革、建筑材料、钢铁和化肥的生产中心。⑶ 呼和浩特地处温带内陆地区,属西北大陆性气候,市区平均海拔l,050米,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,四季分明。⑷ 全年平均气温在摄氏8度左右。
    ⑸ 呼和浩特是一座以蒙古族为主体,满、回等36个民族共同聚居的城市。⑹ 全市土地总面积1.7万平方公里,其中,城区面积120平方公里。⑺ 呼和浩特市管辖4个区,5个旗县和一个国家级的经济技术开发区。⑻ 全市总人口214.7万,市区人口109.64万。⑼ 全市少数民族26.8万人,其中蒙古族20万人。
    ⑽ 呼和浩特是一座历史文化名城,是华夏文明的发祥地之一。⑾ 早在50万年以前就已出现了人类文明的曙光。⑿ 无论是远古时期的“大窑文化”遗址,还是战国时期的云中古城遗址,或是明清时期的召庙艺术等,都真实地记录了呼和浩特的悠久历史,显示了这座塞外名城的古老神韵。


答案 ⑴ Hohhot, meaning ’blue city" in Mongolian, is the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. ⑵ Now, being the political, economic, cultural, and industrial center of the Autonomous Region, Hohhot is a center for wool and leather production, building materials, iron and steel production, and fertilizer plants. ⑶ Hohhot is located in the temperate hinterland and belongs to the northwest continental climate. The urban area is averagely over 1,050 meters above the sea level, leading to distinct but comfortable climate—never too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. ⑷ The average temperature here is about 8 degrees centigrade throughout the year. ⑸ Hohhot is a place where the Mongols are the main inhabitants. Besides, members of 36 minorities such as the Manchus, the Hui live here too. ⑹ The total area of the city is 17,000 square kilometers, among which the urban covers 120 square kilometers. ⑺ Hohhot municipality has jurisdiction over 4 districts, 5 counties and a national-level economic and technological development zone. ⑻ It has a population of 2, 147,000 in all, including 1,096, 400 urban population. ⑼ The population of the minorities is 268,000, with the Mongols being as many as 200,000. ⑽ Hohhot is a famous historical and cultural city. It is one of the origins of the Chinese civilization. ⑾ As early as 500,000 years ago, the human civilization already dawned here. ⑿ Whether it is from the Dayao Culture site of the ancient times, or the Yun Zhong Ancient City site of the Warring States Period or the Temple Arts of the Ming and Qing dynasties, they have all recorded the long history of Hohhot and revealed the great and romantic charm of the well-known city beyond the Great Wall.

解析     1.⑴句“首府”即“首都”,译为capital即可。
    2.⑵句“化肥的生产中心”一般指化工厂,故译为fertilizer plants,而其他生产资料,如“羊毛皮革、建筑材料、钢铁”的生产中心,译为(production)center即可。
    3.⑶句“夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,四季分明”是其“市区平均海拔1,050米”导致的结果,故可用现在分词结构leading to…引出,译作The urban area is averagely over 1,050 meters above the sea level,leading to distinct but comfortable climate…:“夏无酷暑,冬无严寒”是“四季分明”的一个表现,可用破折号引出。
    4.⑺句“管辖”可译为have jurisdiction over…或administer…。
    5.⑼句“全市少数民族26.8万人,其中蒙古族20万人”中的“人”为范畴词,翻译时不需要翻译为people,直接用数字表示即可,译为The population of the minorities is 268,000,with the Mongols being as many as 200,000.
    6.⑽句“出现……曙光”即某事物出现或兴起,可用动词dawn来翻译。dawn作为动词时,意为 “开始”,故“早在50万年以前就已出现了人类文明的曙光”可译为As early as 500,000 years ago,the human civilization already dawned here.
