如果你认为多媒体只是可以在家中单独享用的东西,你应该再想一想。银行处在“信息高速公路”的前沿,因为它们对这种技术比任何其他类型的民用企业投资更多。 以资产在美国银行中排列第四的摩根公司为例。它开发了一种系统,借助一支电子笔就能在计算机屏幕上快速完成

admin2017-02-22  67

    If you thought multimedia was something to be enjoyed in the privacy of your home, think again. Banks are on the frontier of the "information superhighway" because they spend more on the technology than any other type of civilian business.
    Take the case of J.P.Morgan, America’s fourth largest bank by assets. It has developed a system whereby deals and documents can be finalized quickly on the computer screen with the help of an electronic pen. Its securities analysts in London and traders in Tokyo can talk to each other via the same screen. And clients’ trust can be built up, and deals completed, faster than via a telephone line which carries no pictures.
    The new electronic gizmos are currently being introduced into Morgan’s trading departments in New York, but eventually they will be used around the world-Aisa included. They make it economically possible to establish small dealing rooms in capitals such as Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok, while concentrating Morgan’s expensive back-office functions in Singapore.
    Morgan’s pioneering effort illustrates how United States banks are using high technology and large amounts of capital to lever their way into Asian markets.
    Rivals in Europe and Japan are doing so too, but they do not have the same access to the vast pool of saving available to American banks. US Pension Fund assets, for example, total US $4. 4 trillion, more than three times the size of Japan’s.
    US institutions are in the best position to act as a bridge between the growing capital demands of Asia and the supply of investment from the rest of the world. The bridge, of course, could wobble badly, as it did in the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s, but this is hard to imagine in the 1990s when the economic fundamentals in Asia look so favorable.
    It took American banks almost a decade to emerge from the Latin American rubble, but they are now formidable competitor. They have written off nonperforming loans and cut payrolls far more boldly than their Japanese counterparts, which are still dogged by soured loans to spendthrift property speculators in Japan.
    The US commercial banks’ toughest rivals in Asian cross-border business are more likely to be their investment-bank compatriots rather than the Japanese, and the capital markets of Asia, as elsewhere, will be their battleground.
    The big five US banks — Citibank, Bank of America, Chemical, Morgan and Chase Manhattan, enjoy the advantage of being big. Compared with firms such as Salomon Brothers and Goldman Sachs, the big five are bigger in most senses of the word. They have more capital, more staff and more branches worldwide through which to distribute corporate issues.
    What remains to be seen is whether they have trading and deal-making ability to compete with investment banks.


答案 如果你认为多媒体只是可以在家中单独享用的东西,你应该再想一想。银行处在“信息高速公路”的前沿,因为它们对这种技术比任何其他类型的民用企业投资更多。 以资产在美国银行中排列第四的摩根公司为例。它开发了一种系统,借助一支电子笔就能在计算机屏幕上快速完成交易和文件。公司在伦敦的证券分析员以及在东京的交易商可以通过同一屏幕进行交谈。建立客户信用、成交都比通过电话线路要快,何况电话还无法传送图像。 这种电子新玩意儿,目前正被引入到摩根公司在纽约的交易所采用,最终会在包括亚洲在内的全球范围内使用。这样一来,就可以在吉隆坡和曼谷等首都建立较经济的小型交易室,而把摩根公司开销大的事务部门集中在新加坡。 摩根公司开拓性的举措表明,美国银行正在利用高科技和大量资金来打开亚洲市场。 欧洲和日本的竞争对手们也在这么干,但它们不像美国银行那样,能够得到大量的储蓄资金。例如,美国养老基金资产总计达四万四千亿美元,是日本的三倍多。 美国机构在亚洲日益增长的资金需求和世界其他地区可提供的资金之间充当桥梁最为合适。当然,这座桥梁也可能摇晃,就像二十世纪八十年代拉美债务危机发生时那样,但在二十世纪九十年代亚洲经济基本条件如此良好的情况下,难以想象这种类似事情还会发生。 美国银行花了近十年的时间才从拉丁美洲的窘境中逃脱出来,但它们现在已经成为强大的竞争者。它们处理了坏账,削减员工,做得比日本同行们更大胆。日本银行因无法从挥金如土的房地产投机商那儿收回贷款而陷入了困境。 美国商业银行在亚洲跨境业务中最棘手的竞争对手很可能不是日本人,而是它们本国投资银行的同胞。亚洲的资本市场,像其他地方一样,将成为他们争夺的战场。 美国最大的五家银行——花旗银行、美洲银行、美华银行、摩根银行、大同银行,其优势在于庞大。与所罗门兄弟公司和高盛公司这样的企业相比,五大银行在许多方面确确实实要比他们大:他们拥有更多的资本,更庞大的员工队伍,在世界上有更多的分行,并可以通过这些分行销售公司证券。 拭目以待的是它们是否有很强的交易能力来与投资银行竞争。

解析     本文是一段有关美国银行在亚洲拓展金融业务的讲话。文中主要以摩根公司为例,讲述了美国银行利用高科技、大量资本和庞大的员工队伍与亚洲对手,主要是日本,展开竞争,开拓亚洲市场。
