在战地,我们的生活特别快乐。虽然我们睡的是潮湿的地铺,喝的是泥沟里的污水,吃的是硬饭冷菜,穿的是单薄的衣裤,盖着从上海妇女慰劳会(Shanghai Women’s Armed Forces Relief Association)捐赠的薄被,睡在朔风凛冽的堂

admin2011-01-11  22

问题     在战地,我们的生活特别快乐。虽然我们睡的是潮湿的地铺,喝的是泥沟里的污水,吃的是硬饭冷菜,穿的是单薄的衣裤,盖着从上海妇女慰劳会(Shanghai Women’s Armed Forces Relief Association)捐赠的薄被,睡在朔风凛冽的堂屋里,但我们这一群平时过惯了舒服生活的小姐,一点也不感觉到辛苦。病了时,反正有的是看护;冷起来时,七八个人挤作一堆;缸里没有水了,自己去挑;灶里没有柴,自己去砍;至于洗衣、扫地、烧饭,更是我们每天必做的勤务。我们当中,有两个会理发的,三个会缝衣的,五个会做拿手好菜的;还有喜欢写新诗的、写旧诗的、写小说的、演剧的、唱歌的,各种各样的人才都有。


答案 Our lives in the battle zone were particularly happy. We slept on damp bedrolls, drank dirty ditch water, ate undercooked rice with cold side dishes, dressed in thin clothes, covered ourselves with flimsy blankets donated by the Shanghai Women’s Armed Forces Relief Association, and slept in drafty corridors pierced by the north wind, but these young women didn’t experience this as hardship though we were used to a lives of comfort. When we were ill, well, there were a lot of nurses around. When we were cold, seven or eight would huddle up together. When there was no water in the jar, one of us would go to fetch more. When there was no firewood for the stove, one of us would go to chop some. As for the laundry, sweeping and cooking, these were tasks we performed every day. There were two in the group who could cut hair, three could sew, and five could whip up a tasty meal. There were some who had a taste for writing new or traditional poetry or stories, and others who liked to act or sing. Every sort of talent could be found among us.

解析 1.虽然我们睡的是潮湿的地铺,喝的是泥沟里的污水,吃的是硬饭冷菜,穿的是单薄的衣裤,盖着从上海妇女慰劳会(Shanghai Women’s Armed Forces Relief Association)捐赠的薄被,睡在朔风凛冽的堂屋里,但我们这一群平时过惯了舒服生活的小姐,一点也不感觉到辛苦。We slept on damp bedrolls, drank dirty ditch water, ate undercooked rice with cold side dishes, dressed in thin clothes, covered ourselves with flimsy blankets donned by the Shanghai Women’s Armed Forces Relief Association, and slept in drafty corridors pierced by the north wind, but these young women didn’t experience this as hardship though we were used to a life of comfort.
    [分析] 理解结构采分点及选词用词采分点。
    译文用词选择要注意,“硬饭”不可直译,它指的是煮得欠火候,煮得不熟的饭,因此要译为undercooked rice,这里“冷菜”译为cold side dishes,暗指菜量不多的意思。“睡在朔风凛冽的堂屋里”译成and slept in drafty corridors pierced by the north wind。“堂屋”是个具有中国地方色彩的词汇,在英文中没有直接对应的事物,翻成corridors能体现条件艰苦以及四处透风的意境来。“朔风”在汉语里是寒冷的风,而英文中的北风是寒冷的风与之相对应,因此译为north wind。
2.病了时,反正有的是看护;冷起来时,七八个人挤作一堆;缸里没有水了,自己去挑;灶里没有柴,自己去砍;至于洗衣、扫地、烧饭,更是我们每天必做的勤务。When we were ill, well, there were a lot of nurses around. When we were cold, seven or eight would huddle up together. When there was no water in the jar, one of us would go to fetch more. When there was no firewood for the stove, one of us would go to chop some. As for the laundry, sweeping and cooking, these were tasks we performed every day.
    [分析] 理解结构采分点及选词用词采分点。
3.我们当中,有两个会理发的,三个会缝衣的,五个会做拿手好菜的。There were two in the group who could cut hair, three could sew, five could whip up a tasty meal.
[分析] 选词用词采分点。
whip up 是非正式用语,意思是“迅速准备好”,例如:whip up a light lunch迅速做好一顿轻便午餐。
4.还有喜欢写新诗的、写旧诗的、写小说的、演剧的、唱歌的,各种各样的人才都有。There were some who had a taste for writing new or traditional poetry or stories, and others who liked to act or stag. Every sort of talent could be found among us.
[分析] 理解表达采分点。
该句要先进行顺序的调整,再进行翻译,按照英语的习惯,先讲出“各种各样的人才都有”,然后,再具体列举。所以,译文用there be结构最好。译文中将会写作的放在一起,会表演唱歌的人放在一起这样翻译。其中have a taste for是“喜欢,爱好”的意思。“各种各样的人才都有”是主动语态,译文用了被动语态 could be found among us, 使得句式富于变化。
