
admin2016-09-27  79

问题     美国中部有如一座炙热的砖窑:牧场和草田被烤得焦黄,玉米在干裂粉灰状的土中挣扎着,已呈枯萎状,但尚能自救。如果下几天透雨,大豆的长势仍能转好,但这场透雨得快来才行。这一场殃及美国大片地区的干旱可能是50年来危害最烈的一次。这倒并不是因为它持续时间长,而是因为它起始的时节很致命。半个多世纪不遇的春旱使大地龟裂、江河的驳船减速甚至搁浅、城市的供水紧张、森林成了随时欲燃的大柴堆。干旱还引发人们对食物涨价的担心。所有这一切都出现和发生在盛夏来临之前。最近有些地方下了些许阵雨,杯水车薪,无济于事,反而使人更感到干旱的难熬。(257 words)


答案Middle America is like the being in the brick oven. The pastures and hay fields are baked a dingy brown. The maize, struggling out of cracked, ash-like soil, will wither but could be saved. If there is a long soaking rain quickly, those soybeans could still turn out well. The drought now affecting much of the country is probably the most perilous in half a century, not because of how long it has lasted but because of when it started. The driest spring in more than 50 years has parched the land, slowed or stranded barges on the waterways, strained urban water supplies, turned forests to tinder and raised fears of higher food bills. All these happen before mid-summer. Recent rain showers where they have fallen, have teased rather than quenched the thirst.

