
admin2021-05-28  45

问题   重庆位于中国西南部,长江上游。它是一座举世闻名的山城,最突出的特点是地形起伏有致,立体感强。重庆凭借长江“黄金水道”之便,依托丰富的资源和广阔的市场,从汉代起就是长江上游的工商业重镇,如今更发展成为集重工业、轻工业、贸易等为一体的经济、政治和文化中心。重庆处处都有中国传统文化的印痕,历代诗人如李白、陆游等,都在这里写下众多脍炙人口的名篇佳句。此外,重庆还是川菜的主要代表地域之一。


答案  Chongqing is a world-renowned mountain city that lies in the southwest of China and in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Its most outstanding characteristic is that the terrain rises and falls and causes a strong three-dimensional effect. Relying on the convenience of the " golden waterway" of the Yangtze River and the abundant resources as well as the broad market, Chongqing has been an important industrial and commercial strategic place in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River since the Han Dynasty. Now, it has even developed into a center of economy, politics and culture incorporating heavy industry, light industry, commerce, etc. into an organic whole. There are traces of traditional Chinese culture everywhere in Chongqing. Poets of every dynasty such as Li Bai and Lu You all wrote a lot of immensely popular and beautiful articles and lines here. In addition, Chongqing is one of the major representative areas of Sichuan cuisine.

