
admin2019-09-18  27

问题    浙江杭州是风景秀美之地,也是创新活力之城。G20杭州峰会的会标,就是用20根线条,勾勒出一个桥型轮廓,同时辅以“2016年G20”的英文和篆隶“中国”印章。桥,在G20独具含义。曾几何时,全球经济治理为发达国家所垄断。G20是第一个发达国家和发展中国家平等参与全球经济治理的机制,是历史的进步。在这个意义上,G20本身就是一座桥,一座连接历史与未来,发达国家与发展中国家的桥梁。


答案 The city of Hangzhou in China’s Zhejiang province is known both for its beautiful scenery and for its dynamic and innovative spirit. The logo of the G20 Hangzhou Summit is the image of a bridge, drawn in 20 lines. On top of it is "G20 2016 China", supplemented with the imprint of a traditional Chinese seal bearing the two Chinese characters for "China". The bridge has a special meaning for the G20. The G20 is the first global mechanism that allows developed and developing countries alike to take equal part in global economic governance, something that used to be the monopoly of developed countries. This represents progress in the evolution of global governance and makes the G20 a bridge that connects history with the future, and developed countries with developing countries. Given the current world economic situation, the bridge carries some new implications for the Hangzhou Summit. It represents a keen hope for the G20 to become a bridge in the global economy that brings countries together in win-win global cooperation oriented toward the future. The curved lines in the bridge symbolize fiber-optic cables connecting the world in an information age. The Hangzhou Summit will serve as a bridge through which countries will cement ties with each other and work together to open up broader prospects for the world economy.

解析    原文以“桥”的意象为依托,陈述了G20作为桥梁的特殊含义。第一段简要介绍杭州和G20杭州峰会的会标寓意,以及G20机制的特殊意义;第二段陈述了G20杭州峰会的新的桥梁意义。
