
admin2022-03-09  60

问题 下面你将听到一段有关数字化与互联网发展的讲话。


答案 Digital revolution is bringing unprecedented market opportunities to global Internet practitioners. After more than 20 years of development, the number of Chinese netizens has reached 800 million, with more than 98% using the mobile Internet. The popularity of the mobile Internet has also stimulated the vigorous innovation of020. People can use their mobile phones to hail cars, order meals, and use shared bicycles on a daily basis. Over the past few years, Chinese government has always supported and encouraged digital innovation in terms of the launching of Internet Plus initiative to the development of the digital economy and Digital China. Unprecedented problems and challenges will emerge when digitalization reshapes the real world. Nowadays, the digital economy and the real economy are interwoven with each other. Cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence are beginning to become the new types of infrastructure of the entire economy. Under such context, how to protect personal data information? How to deal with the labor restructuring brought about by digital revolution? How to ensure that digital technology can facilitate targeted poverty alleviation rather than widen the digital divide? These are questions worth constant consideration and better solutions by Internet practitioners. Building a digital world featuring mutual trust and co-governance is the common responsibility for Internet practitioners. The building of a community with a shared future for mankind requires mutual benefits, mutual trust, sharing and co-governance. Each participant in this field is not an opponent for each other but a teammate who can confront with the future challenges together. We are no longer strangers but neighbors in the global village. Governments, Internet companies, non-governmental organizations, and individual users must fully play their roles and take responsibility together. The rapid rise of the Internet industry cannot do without the inclusiveness and support of Chinese government for innovation. Nowadays, the headwinds of globalization and the throes of the economic cycles have not hindered the pace of Internet innovation and digital upgrading in all walks of life. Chinese government encourages the development of the private economy and supports scientific and technological innovation, which greatly build up Internet practitioners’ confidence to look to the future and increase investment in cutting-edge science and technology as well as basic research so as to realize the dream of becoming a cyber-power and scientific and technological power.

解析     本文主要介绍数字化变革给互联网从业者带来的机遇与挑战。第一段主要讲述了互联网发展给人们日常生活带来的影响。第二段主要讲述了数字化带来的数据隐私、劳动力结构调整以及数字鸿沟的挑战。第三段给互联网从业者提出应对的建议。第四段讲述了中国政府在数字化过程中采取的态度。总体来说,本篇结构清晰,没有复杂的数字与术语,信息密度适中,属于中等难度。
    (1) 第一段中,需注意“过去几年,从推动互联网+,到发展数字经济,再到建设‘数字中国’,中国政府对数字创新一直给予了支持和鼓励”一句的翻译。此句中,“互联网+”“数字经济”“数字中国”是近年来出现的热词,可分别译为Internet Plus,digital economy和Digital China,因此备考时需要关注热点词汇。在笔记记录时,需记下这三个关键词并且准确译出。翻译该句时,可根据笔记,先译出主语“中国政府”,最后翻译“从推动互联网+,到发展数字经济,再到建设‘数字中国’”,这样更符合英文的语法结构。
    (2) 第二段信息密度较大,提到了新型基础设施和三个问题,因此,笔记记录时,需结合脑记将这些并列成分完整记录下来。第二句“数字经济和实体经济正在深度融合,云计算、大数据和人工智能开始成为整个经济社会的新型基础设施”和“如何真正保护好个人的数据信息呢?如何应对数字化转型带来的劳动力结构调整?如何让数字技术助力精准扶贫,而不是拉大数字鸿沟”存在着逻辑关系,因此可以在两句之间增译一句under such context来显化逻辑。此外,该段还出现了三个问句,为避免译文冗长,可将每个问句单独译成一个独立的句子,最后一句增译these questions来总结前面提到的三个how to问句。
    (3) 第三段中,需注意句子“‘命运共同体’需要我们互利互信、共享共治,每个参与者都不是你死我活的对手,而是共同面对未来挑战的队友”的翻译。为避免译文过长,此句可切分为“‘命运共同体’需要我们互利互信、共享共治”和“每个参与者都不是你死我活的对手,而是共同面对未来挑战的队友”两个短句。“互利互信,共享共治”为四字格结构,用词精简但含义丰富,需完整译出。“命运共同体”可译为a community with a shared future for mankind,“共治”可译为co-govemance。
    (4) 第四段中需注意句子“当今,全球化的逆风和经济周期的阵痛,并没有阻挡互联网创新和各行各业数字化升级的步伐”的翻译。此句中,“逆风”与“阵痛”为比喻,形容全球化进程与经济发展遇阻。“逆风”可译为headwinds,“阵痛”可译为throes。因此,全句可译为Nowadays, the headwinds of globalization and the throes of the economic cycles have not hindered the pace of Internet innovation and digital upgrading in all walks of life.
    (5) 第四段中,“中国政府鼓励民营经济发展、支持科技创新的坚定态度”一句可以省译“态度”一词,直接翻译为Chinese government encourages the development of the private economy and supports scientific and technological innovation,之后的成分可译成which引导的非限制性定语从句。“更有信心”可译为build up one’s confidence。“努力实现‘网络强国’与‘科技强国’的梦想”这一部分信息是前面“加大对前沿科技和基础研究的投入”的目的,因此,可以增译so as to来显化说话人隐含的逻辑。
