茶马古道(the Ancient Tea Horse Road),也被称为南方丝绸之路,指的是蜿蜒在西南地区山岭之间的一条古道。顺着这条道路,茶叶、盐和糖等商品流入了西藏(Tibet)。与此同时,马、牛、皮毛以及其他当地产品也走向了外面的世界。茶马古道促进

admin2015-11-30  57

问题     茶马古道(the Ancient Tea Horse Road),也被称为南方丝绸之路,指的是蜿蜒在西南地区山岭之间的一条古道。顺着这条道路,茶叶、盐和糖等商品流入了西藏(Tibet)。与此同时,马、牛、皮毛以及其他当地产品也走向了外面的世界。茶马古道促进了地区间的经济和文化交流,也加强了纳西族、白族、藏族和其他少数民族(ethnic minority)之间的友谊和团结。


答案 The Ancient Tea Horse Road, also referred to as the Southern Silk Road, was an ancient pathway winding through the mountains of Southwest China. Along this road, commodities like tea, salt and sugar flowed into Tibet. Meanwhile, horses, cows, furs and other local products made their way to the outside world. The road promoted regional exchanges in economy and culture, along with friendship and unity between the nationalities of Naxi, Bai, Tibetan and other ethnic minorities.

解析 1.在第一句中,句子的主干是“茶马古道……指的是……一条古道”,可译为The Ancient TeaHorse Road…was an ancient pathway。“也被称为南方丝绸之路”可译为also referred to asthe Southern Silk Road,用来补充说明The Ancient Tea Horse Road。“蜿蜒在西南地区山岭之间”可以用现在分词结构winding through the mountains of Southwest China来表示,修饰anancient pathway。
2.第二句中的“……等商品”可译为commodities like…。
3.第三句中的“走向了外面的世界”可译为made their way to the outside world,其中“走向”也可以译为went to,marched into等表示。
4.在最后一句中,可将两个分句合并为一句,“促进”和“加强”均可用promote表示,使句子更简洁。用along with来连接前后两个名词结构regional exchanges和friendship and unity。“促进”也可用facilitate表示,“加强”也可以用strengthen来表达。
