
admin2022-09-05  12

问题     一个国家选择什么样的治理体系,是由这个国家的历史传承、文化传统、经济社会发展水平决定的,是由这个国家的人民决定的。我国今天的国家治理体系,是在我国历史传承、文化传统、经济社会发展的基础上长期发展、渐进改进、内生性演化的结果。……中华民族是一个兼容并蓄、海纳百川的民族,在漫长历史进程中,不断学习他人的好东西,把他人的好东西化成我们自己的东西,这才形成我们的民族特色。……


答案 The kind of governance system best suited for a country is determined by that country’s historical heritage and cultural traditions, and its level of social and economic development, and it is ultimately decided by that country’s people. Our current national governance system has been developed and gradually improved over a long period of time on the basis of our historied heritage, cultural traditions, and social and economic development. … The Chinese nation is open-minded. Over centuries, we have been continuously drawing on others’ strengths and shaping the character of our own nation…. … A nation’s culture is a unique feature that distinguishes that nation from others. We should delve deeper into and better elucidate China’s excellent traditional culture, and make greater efforts to creatively transform and develop traditional Chinese virtues, promoting a cultural spirit that transcends time and national boundaries, and has eternal attraction and contemporary value. We should also present to the world China’s contemporary creative cultural products that carry both our excellent traditional culture and contemporary spirit, and that are based in China and oriented towards the outside world. As long as the Chinese people pursue lofty virtues generation after generation our nation will be forever filled with hope.

解析     本文陈述了国家治理体系与民族文化的关系。第一段指出民族文化是国家治理体系的形成基础,第二段提出了弘扬和传播民族文化的任务和要求。文中有多处并列、排比成分,翻译时应注意各成分之间的关系和句式结构的选择。
    1. 汉语排比句中的小句之间不一定是单纯的并列关系,有时暗含递进关系。例如,第一段第一句“……是由……决定的,是由这个国家的人民决定的”,鉴于人民在历史、文化、国家中处于中心地位,翻译时在“人民”这一小句前加上ultimately一词为妥,即and it is ultimately decided by that country’s people。
    2. 有些汉语并列成分属于同义反复,译出其中之一即可。例如,第一段第三句中的“兼容并蓄、海纳百川”,这两个四字格词语语义近似,此处亦无必要保留“海”“川”等形象,因而视语境译为open-minded或all-inclusive。译者要积累一些汉语四字格词语的英译,如“直截了当、直言不讳”可译为bluntly,“老生常谈、陈词滥调”可译为platitude,“谈笑风生、欢声笑语”可译为talk and laugh cheerfully。
    3. 汉语“定语+名词中心词”结构中涉及多个前置定语时,译文可处理为“中心词+定语从旬”结构,同时可考虑将多个近似成分适当合并,避免句子太过零散。例如,翻译第二段第二句中的“跨越时空、超越国度、富有永恒魅力、具有当代价值的文化精神”时,以“文化精神”为中心词,后接定语从句。其中,“跨越”“超越”语义相近,可译为一个动词transcend,统领“时空”“国度”两个宾语:“富有”“具有”可译为have,由“魅力”“价值”两个宾语共享。故译为a cultural spirit that transcends time and national boundaries,and has eternal attraction and contemporary value.
