
admin2017-05-17  113

问题     在整顿和规范市场经济秩序中,依法严惩了假冒伪劣食品、药品等严重危害人民生命健康的犯罪活动,以及偷税骗税、金融诈骗、走私和传销等严重犯罪活动,维护了人民群众的合法权益。加大了查办和预防职务犯罪的力度,集中力量对贪污受贿犯罪的大案要案深挖严查,严厉惩处。对充当黑恶势力后台和“保护伞”的国家工作人员职务犯罪,进行了严厉查处。


答案In the process of the on-going nationwide campaign launched to consolidate the market order, punishments have been meted out in accordance with laws against crimes that do harm to people’s lives and health, including production and sale of counterfeit and sup-standard foods and medicines, and other crimes such as tax evasion and defraud, financial swindling, smuggling and pyramid selling. This has effectively protected the people’s legitimate rights and interests. Work has been intensified to investigate and prevent on-job crimes, with special focus on investigating and punishing those convicted of serious bribery and corruption offenses, bringing to justice those proven to have acted as behind-the-scene leaders of Mafia-like gangs or as their "protective umbrellas" by taking advantages of their powers and influence.

解析 1.本段主体部分总结整顿规范市场经济秩序所取得的成就,故选用现在完成时为总体时态。
3.第2句的“加大力度”可译为Work has been intensified to…,“集中力量”可译为focus on,“大案要案”“深挖严查”和“严厉惩处”均为汉语中常用的四字成语,译成英语时不能拘泥于形式,应根据意思灵活翻译,可分别译为serious offenses,probe into和punish。“职务犯罪”按字面意思可译为job-related crimes或on-job crimes。
4.第3句的“黑恶势力后台和‘保护伞’”为汉语中常见的比喻说法,译为behind-the-scene leaders of Mafia-like gangs or as their“protective umbrellas”十分贴切。本段中主要讲的“领导干部的职务犯罪”,用增补的翻译手法补充by taking advantage of their powers and influence,使译文贴切原文的含义,同时可以省略government officials。
5.bringing to justice为比较规范的法律词语,和增补的proven“经证实的”一词连用,突出了法制的观念。
