——能源合作延伸到上游。2017年,阿方将阿布扎比陆上石油区块共计12%的特许经营权授予中国企业,这是中国在中东产油国首次获得上游合作份额。2018年3月,阿方又将阿布扎比海上石油区块所属2个油田各10%的特许经营权授予中国企业。 ——产能合作迈出

admin2019-10-11  41

问题     ——能源合作延伸到上游。2017年,阿方将阿布扎比陆上石油区块共计12%的特许经营权授予中国企业,这是中国在中东产油国首次获得上游合作份额。2018年3月,阿方又将阿布扎比海上石油区块所属2个油田各10%的特许经营权授予中国企业。


答案 — Our upstream energy cooperation is off to a good start. In 2017, the UAE awarded Chinese companies a combined 12 percent stakes in Abu Dhabi’s onshore oil concession, the first time for China to acquire stakes in upstream cooperation in an oil-producing country in the Middle East. In March 2018, the UAE awarded a Chinese entity another 10 percent stake in each of the two offshore concessions in Abu Dhabi. — Our industrial capacity cooperation has made historic progress. The Khalifa Port Container Terminal Two, a project jointly built and operated by Chinese and UAE companies with a designed annual capacity of 2.4 million TEUs, will be up and running in the first quarter of 2019. The China-UAE Industrial Capacity Cooperation Demonstration Zone located in the Khalifa Industrial Zone has made good progress. As things stand now, 16 enterprises have signed letters of intent with a committed investment of 6.4 billion yuan. — Our new and high technology cooperation is on the rise. The 700-MW Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), a China-UAE joint project, is under construction in Dubai. It will be the world’s largest and most advanced solar thermal power plant. The Hassyan Clean Coal Power Plant, the first Middle East project financed by the Silk Road Fund, will be the first clean coal plant in the region upon completion. …… — Innovative partners who champion result-oriented actions. Both our nations are known for a trail-blazing spirit and pursuit of excellence. China is implementing its innovation-driven development strategy, and the UAE is acting on its National Innovation Strategy, Energy Strategy 2050 and a six-pillar plan for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Our two countries may work in concert to seek new breakthroughs in new-and high-tech cooperation.

