
admin2019-04-20  19

问题     生活在移动互联网时代,大学生们已然离不开网络。一些颇具创新力的学生从微博(microblog)和微信(WeChat)中看到了商机。桂林一所大学的三名学生注册了一个微信送餐账号。现在他们每天处理2000多份订单,给同学们的生活带来了许多便利。更多的学生选择了网上开店,出售各种物品。通过创业,大学生们不仅可以挣到自己的学费,更重要的是培养了实践能力。


答案 Living in the mobile Internet age, college students cannot be separated from the Internet now. Some creative students have seen business opportunities from microblog and WeChat. Three students from a university in Guilin registered an account on WeChat to deliver meals. Now they handle more than 2,000 orders every day, providing a lot of convenience to other students. More students choose to set up online shops and sell various kinds of items. Through running their own business, college students can earn their tuition. What is more important, they have cultivated their practical ability.

解析 1.第1句中的“生活在移动互联网时代”可处理为伴随状语,用现在分词短语living in the mobile Internet age来表达。“已然离不开网络”可译为cannot live without the Internet,但由于句首已经用到living,按英语避免重复的表达习惯,此处可译为cannot be separated from the Internet now。
2.第3句中的定语“桂林一所大学的”较长,故将其处理成后置定语,用介词短语from a university in Guilin来表达。“注册了一个微信送餐账号”中,“微信”是一个网络平台,表地点,译作on WeChat,置于中心词“账号”(account)后。定语“送餐”表目的,故用不定式短语来表达,译为to deliver meals。
3.第4句“现在他们……,给同学……便利”有两个分句,仔细分析发现,后半句是前半句的结果,故可将后半句处理成结果状语,译为分词短语providing a lot of convenience to other students,结构清晰明了。“同学们的生活”中的“生活”可略去不译,只译出“同学们”,不影响译文的意思。
4.最后一句中的“更重要的是……”可译成短语What is more important或More importantly,或套用句型What’s more important is that...。“培养了实践能力”暗含动作已完成,故应该用现在完成时,译作they have cultivated their practical ability。
