The first of our society is a gentleman of Worcestershire, of ancient descent, a baronet, his name Sir Roger de Coverley. His gr

admin2019-03-20  65

问题 The first of our society is a gentleman of Worcestershire, of ancient descent, a baronet, his name Sir Roger de Coverley. His great-grandfather was inventor of that famous countrydance which is called after him. All who know that shire are very well acquainted with the parts and merits of Sir Roger. He is a gentleman that is very singular in his behaviour, but his singularities proceed from his good sense, and are contradictions to the manners of the world only as he thinks the world is wrong. However, this humor creates him no enemies, for he does nothing with sourness or obstinacy; and his being unconfined to modes and forms makes him but the readier and more capable to please and oblige all who know him. When he is in town, he lives in Soho Square. It is said, he keeps himself a bachelor by reason he was crossed in love by a perverse beautiful widow of the next county to him. Before this disappointment, Sir Roger was what you call a fine gentleman, had often supped with my Lord Rochester and Sir George Etherege, fought a duel upon his first coming to town, and kicked bully Dawson in a public coffee-house for calling him youngster. But being ill-used by the above-mentioned widow, he was very serious for a year and a half; and though, his temper being naturally jovial, he at last got over it, he grew careless of himself, and never dressed afterward. He continues to wear a coat and doublet of the same cut that were in fashion at the time of repulse, which, in his merry humours, he tells us, has been in and out twelve times since he first wore it. It is said Sir Roger grew humble in his desires after he had forgot his cruel beauty, insomuch that it is reported he has frequently offended with beggars and gypsies; but this is looked upon, by his friends, rather as matter of raillery than truth. He is now in his fifty-sixth year, cheerful , gay and hearty; keeps a good house both in town and country; a great lover of mankind; but there is such a mirthful cast in his behaviour, that he is rather beloved than esteemed.


答案 我们协会首先要介绍的是来自伍斯特郡的一位绅士,古老男爵家族的克罗伊的罗杰爵士。他的曾祖父发明了一种著名的乡村舞蹈,并以自己的名字命名,这就是克里维的罗杰爵士舞。凡是熟悉那一带地方的人都十分了解罗杰爵士的才干和建树。罗杰爵士行为异于常人,但这是由于他见解通达,只有当他认为世界不公时,才会背世道而行事。然而,这种幽默并没有使他树敌,这是因为罗杰爵士从不满腹牢骚或固执己见,这种不拘泥于条条框框的行事风格反尔更容易使了解他的人喜欢并追随他。罗杰爵士在镇子里的时候,居住在索霍广场。他一生未娶,据说是因为曾经爱上邻镇一个漂亮却邪恶的寡妇。在那次情场失意之前,罗杰爵士是人们眼中标准的好绅士,他同罗彻斯特伯爵和乔治·艾塞利基爵士共进晚餐,在第一次进城时参与决斗,还在公共咖啡厅收拾过喊他“小毛孩”的恶人道森。可是,自从被前面提到的寡妇利用后,整整一年半的时间,罗杰都情绪低沉,尽管天性开朗的他最终放下了这段感情,但自此之后,他变得得过且过,不修边幅。罗杰还开心的打趣说,他当时穿的紧身内衣加外套非常时尚,而自他穿上那天起到现在,这种搭配已经在时尚界起起落落了十二次了。据说,罗杰爵士放下了那个残忍的美丽寡妇之后,变得无欲无求,也有人说罗杰爵士经常会冒犯乞丐和吉普赛人,不过朋友们都认为这是善意的玩笑,并非属实。罗杰爵士今年五十六岁,是一个轻松、快乐、健壮的老人,在镇上和乡下都有很好的房子,他的一举一动仿佛都能给人带来欢笑,与其说尊重,倒不如说我们爱戴这位老人。

