A:我感觉今天状态不好,昨晚一直没睡着。感觉得请病假去看看睡眠专家了,不然根本没法思考,无法贡献任何有意义的想法。电灯和技术确实让24小时不停歇的工作和生产成为可能。但随之而来的代价就是生物钟紊乱,睡眠不足。 B: Have you been having

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A: I don’t feel like myself today. I’ve been up the whole night. I think I will call in sick for work and go to see a sleep therapist before I further undermine my ability to think and produce any idea. The light bulb and technology sure have brought about a world of 24-hour work and production. It has come at the cost of our circadian rhythm and our body’s need for sleep.
A: Don’t make it sound even worse. Now I know where my extra weight came from. I also begin to think slower, process information slower. It’s totally not the best state to show up to work.
A: Thanks, but I’ve never regarded it as a badge of honor. I will really appreciate it if you can cut back on the irony. I know you’ve warned me before and I didn’t listen. But this time I will try your suggestions and my therapist’s, and hope this bad state can pass soon.


答案A:我感觉今天状态不好,昨晚一直没睡着。感觉得请病假去看看睡眠专家了,不然根本没法思考,无法贡献任何有意义的想法。电灯和技术确实让24小时不停歇的工作和生产成为可能。但随之而来的代价就是生物钟紊乱,睡眠不足。 B: Have you been having problems with your sleeping? I think it’s a good idea to see a doctor early. Sleep deprivation has surly become a problem for many people these days. Studies show that people who sleep less than six hours a day are 30% more likely to be obese, and lack of sleep actually causes your body to hold on to extra weight. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, you are also more likely to suffer from depression. A:你就别雪上加霜了。不过这倒是让我明白自己最近的增重是怎么回事儿了。我的反应速度和处理信息的速度也开始变慢。这绝对不是上班的最好状态。 B: I thought you regard your less sleep time as a badge of honor that you have much more hours than others. But now it is coming back to bite you. So, I hope you can learn from this and avoid stay up at night, listen to your own body’s requirement for sleep, and take a nap whenever you feel at it. I know your therapist would just tell you the same. A:谢谢,但是我可真没觉得睡得少是多么值得骄傲的事儿.所以你就少挖苦我了。我知道之前你好意提醒的时候我没听,不过这次我一定好好听从你和医生的建议,希望这个状态尽快过去。

