母亲因为我太不听话了,白天总是在外游玩,不肯规规矩矩地坐在家里,她就给我一件苦功做:每天吃了早饭,就到茶园里去采茶。 从我家到茶园有二里多路,中饭是用小篮子盛着,着人送去的,我和嫂嫂还有许多采茶女,都要黄昏时候才能回家。 我没有采茶的经验,

admin2021-08-19  66

问题     母亲因为我太不听话了,白天总是在外游玩,不肯规规矩矩地坐在家里,她就给我一件苦功做:每天吃了早饭,就到茶园里去采茶。


答案 As I would play outside the whole day rather than obey orders and behave myself at home, my mother gave me a hard task. Every day after breakfast I had to go and pick tea leaves in our tea garden. From my home to the tea garden, it was more than two li. My lunch was put in a basket and carried to me. Besides my sister-in-law and I, there were many other girls, and all of us did not come home till sundown. With no experience in picking tea leaves, I often ruined the branches. My sister-in-law would jump up anxiously and yell, "You’d better go and catch butterflies, sis. Stop breaking the branches. If Mother knew, she would scold you again. " "No, I do need to go on. Did you know how to pick them when you were born or did you have to learn, too?" She was a poor talker and could seldom answer this question, so as usual she kept quiet. It would be more appropriate if I called it picking flowers rather than picking tea leaves. G On the way home, I would always have a small basketful of flowers. Going over the stone bridge which is about five zhang, I would throw the flowers down to the water and let the stream carry them to Dongting Lake, with a bidding: "Oh, flowers, flow on to the palace of the Dragon King. His beautiful princess is preparing for her wedding. "

解析     “听话”在这里表示“服从;接受;照办”,与听(1isten)和话(words)无关,应译为obey order粥“规规矩矩地坐在家里”与前边“听话”一样,也包含“守规矩”的含义,因此译为behave myself,其中“坐在家里”无需按照字面译出;“不肯”表达的是相对于规规矩矩地坐在家里,“我”更喜欢在外游玩的意思,因此这两部分之问用would rather than连接;“苦功”在这里相当于“苦差事”,译为hard task。
    “一定”在这里起到了强调的作用,翻译时使用do放在动词原形前来加强该动词的语气;“采”承接上文嫂嫂制止她继续采茶的语境,译为go on;“难道你生来就会采的吗?还不是学来的。”中“天生就会采”和“学来的”是会采茶的两种截然不同的方式,翻译时使用表示选择含义的连词or,用选择疑问句的形式给人一种说话伶俐,咄咄逼人的感觉。
    这句内容较多,按照语意并根据“每次回家时”和“当经过一座五丈多长的石桥时”这两个时间状语将整句话分为两部分,第一部分介绍每次回家时篮子里装满花这件事,第二部分则详细描述自己在经过石桥时将花丢人水中这件事,层次更分明。“小篮子里老是装满了花”使用容器名词加后缀“ful”作量词,译为a small basketful of flowers,简洁地道。“五丈”为中国特有的长度单位,一丈相当于十英尺左右,翻译时需要根据文章背景考虑中英文长度单位的转换。“还要嘱咐它一声”这个动作与“将花丢在桥下”同时发生,因此使用with a bidding将其处理为状语引出,句型结构更有层次。
