下面你将听到一段有关“欧盟议会所使用语言”的讲话。// When 10 new countries joined the European Union on 1 May, they bring with them an extra nine lan

admin2018-08-31  60

问题 下面你将听到一段有关“欧盟议会所使用语言”的讲话。//
    When 10 new countries joined the European Union on 1 May, they bring with them an extra nine languages to add to the EU’s existing 11. How will the EU cope with such a situation? Even with 20, Europe’s tower of Babel is creaking. // Twenty languages gives a total of 380 possible combinations (English-German, French-Czech, Finnish-Portuguese, etc), and finding any human being who speaks, for example, both Greek and Estonian or Slovene and Lithuanian is nearly impossible.  //
    To get round this problem, the parliament will use much more "relay translation" , where a speech is interpreted first into one language and then into another — and perhaps into a fourth or fifth. Clearly the scope for mistakes in this game of Chinese whispers is huge.  //
    The European Commission’s need for translation already takes away the cut and thrust of a normal parliamentary debate. When the Italian Prime Minister likened a German MEP to a Nazi camp guard, it took several seconds before the German realized he was being insulted and pulled off his headphones in disgust.   //
    But the rule is that every language must be provided. The European Commission already has 1, 300 translators, who process 1. 5 million pages a year in the EU’s 11 languages. In two years that is expected to rise to 2. 5 million pages — and the staff, based in two enormous buildings in Brussels and Luxembourg, will double in size to cope with the output. The cost will rise from roughly 550 million euros today to over 800 million euros after enlargement.  //


答案 5月1日,随着10个新成员国加入欧盟,欧盟现有的11种语言中又增加9种。欧盟将如何来应对这一形势呢?即使只有20种语言,欧洲的“巴别塔”已经开始吱吱作响了。20种语言总共有380种可能的组合(如英语一德语,法语一捷克语,芬兰语一葡萄牙语等),而且想要找到那些同时会说诸如希腊语和爱沙尼亚语或斯洛文尼亚语和立陶宛语的人几乎是不可能的。 为了解决这个问题,欧盟议会将更多使用“接力传译”,也就是把一个人的发言先翻译成一种语言,接着再翻译成另一种语言,也许还会翻译成第四种或第五种语言。显然,这就像中国的传话游戏一样,翻译时出错的可能性非常大。 欧盟委员会对翻译的需求已经超过正常议会辩论的热烈程度。去年,当意大利总理把一位德国议员比作纳粹卫兵时,那位德国人在听完翻译几秒钟之后才意识到自己受到了侮辱,然后愤然摘下耳机。 然而欧盟议会规定会为每一个成员国的语言提供翻译。欧盟委员会现有1300名译员,他们每年要用欧盟的11种语言处理150万页的翻译工作。而在未来两年里,这个数字预计将达到250万页。布鲁塞尔和卢森堡的两个大办公楼中的译员人数将是现在的两倍才能完成这么大的工作量。欧盟成员国增加之后,翻译费用将从现在的约5.5亿欧元上升到8亿多欧元。

