台湾当局和少数国家宣称台湾因为未能加入WHO影响了防治SARS,这完全违背事实海峡两岸中国人民根连根、心连心。台湾发生SARS疫情后,中国中央政府十分关心,迅速采取了一系列加强两岸交流与合作的措施。//除通过医学专业机构向台湾同行传送有关 SARS疫情、防

admin2011-02-09  70

问题     台湾当局和少数国家宣称台湾因为未能加入WHO影响了防治SARS,这完全违背事实海峡两岸中国人民根连根、心连心。台湾发生SARS疫情后,中国中央政府十分关心,迅速采取了一系列加强两岸交流与合作的措施。//除通过医学专业机构向台湾同行传送有关 SARS疫情、防治技术和政策方面的信息外,我们邀请台湾专业人员来大陆的广州和北京实地考察SARS防治工作。//4月下旬,中国大陆有关医疗卫生团体组织与台湾有关卫生团体召开了“海峡两岸预防控制SARS学术研讨会”,台湾医疗卫生专家出席。5月9日,两岸以电视电话形式联合举办SARS研讨会,北京、广东、台湾三地专家参加了会议。//大陆与台湾的同行一起探讨了有关防疫的学术问题,取得了很好的效果。中国疾病预防控制中心还向台湾有关防病部门提供了SARS检测试剂。中国红十字会还向台湾红十字会提出向台湾捐赠防治SARS的医用物资。//
    然而,正当海峡两岸医务专家为防治SARS携手合作之际,台湾当局却把SARS作为搞分裂活动的政治工具,以金钱为诱饵,鼓动少数国家为其参与世界卫生大会摇旗呐喊。//它们的根本目的并不在于发展卫生事业,而是在国际上制造“两个中国”、“一中一台” 这种乘人之危的做法是极不道德,也是很不明智的。台湾当局的政治图谋六年来均告失败,今年也不会得逞。//


答案 The assertion by the Taiwan authorities and a handful of WHO members that SARS control in Taiwan is undermined by Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHO is totally untrue and groundless. The Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are bound by blood and our hearts reach out for each other. Since the outbreak of SARS in Taiwan, the Chinese Central Government has been deeply concerned about the health of Taiwan compatriots and swiftly taken a series of measures to enhance exchanges and cooperation across the Straits. //We have provided to our counterparts in Taiwan the information about the status of the disease, its prevention and treatment measures and related policies through professional medical agencies and, in addition, we have invited Taiwan professionals to Guangzhou and Beijing for field inspection on the prevention and treatment of the disease. // In late April, health and medical groups and organizations of the two sides conducted the "Symposium on the Prevention and Control of SARS on Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits" which was attended also by medical experts from Taiwan. On 9 May, the two sides jointly held a tele-video seminar on SARS with the participation of experts from Beijing, Guangdong and Taiwan. // Their academic discussions on the prevention of the disease yielded great results. The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention has also provided SARS test reagents for the Taiwan disease prevention authorities. The Red Cross Society of China has proposed to provide medical donations to Taiwan through the Taiwanese Red Cross Organization for the prevention and treatment of SARS. // In the meantime, the Chinese Central Government has agreed that the WHO dispatch experts to Taiwan to investigate the SARS situation there and that the medical experts from Taiwan can attend a global SARS science conference to be held by the WHO in June this year. People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are of the same blood, and blood is thicker than water. We have made it clear on many occasions that if Taiwan needs additional information and technical assistance from the WHO and submits their requests to the Central Government, we will readily consider their requests. // However, while medical experts across the Straits are joining hands in their efforts to fight SARS, the Taiwan authorities are using SARS as the political ploy for their separatist activities. Under the pretext of SARS control, they have used money and instigated a small number of countries to join their clamoring for their participation in the World Health Assembly. // Their true motive is not to develop health undertakings of Taiwan but to create "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" in the international community. Such act of taking advantage of others’ temporary difficulties to pursue one’s own interests is unwise and totally unacceptable morally. The political attempts of the Taiwan authorities have all met with failure in the past six years. This year will see the same result. // (Excerpts from the speech by Wu Yi, former Vice Premier and Minister of Health, on Taiwan-related Proposal at General Committee of 56th World Health Assembly on May 20, 2003)

